Nov 19, 2013

Nothing Brings Warmth to the Holiday Season like Good Books

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” - Garrison Keillor

We here at Scarletta love books, and we know you do too. I can't speak for everyone else but I also love gifts; I imagine you do too. The feeling that somebody out there wants to add something to your life, be it a new car or a pair of socks. I share that same desire you have to give gifts to your family and friends to see the smiles on their faces, and that little flame of pride in your heart that flares whenever you see someone enjoying a gift you gave them in the past.

So if you love books and you love gifts, and I'm comfortable assuming that we've established that, then you must recognize the value of books as gifts. The gift of knowledge, or the gift of laughter, perhaps the gift of curiosity, there is an emotion that goes along with every genre and you're in control of what you give. Sometimes that can be a little intimidating, the number of options may be too large. Let me help you narrow that down with a special offer just for the holiday season.

To: You
From: All of us at Scarletta

If that still doesn't narrow things down enough for you, here are 4 of my own suggestions from the Scarletta catalogs.

The Kids Book of Simple Everyday Science:

The gift of knowledge is one of the greatest gifts, only exceeded by the gift of curiosity. This book encompasses both, helping your little loved ones grow into the sort of thoughtful and inquisitive young adult everyone wishes they were. From using a large surface area to keep a balloon from popping, to using capillary action as a way to dye carnations, there are a ton of experiments to learn from. Plus, there's no lab required! That'll be sure to keep it under-budget.

In a similar vein is Cool World Cooking, which will have the little ones whisking and pouring until they're all tired out. And then they'll get to enjoy the fruits of that labor, or sometimes cakes or noodles of that labor (it all depends on the recipe). Every recipe is made safe for children, and even include opportunities for you to get involved and become their sous chef. Soon enough, they might even be there in the kitchen with you helping to prepare the big holiday meals, or if you're lucky, breakfast in bed.

The Best Saturday Ever will help that special child in your life embrace their imagination, and turn it into a vehicle to travel into new worlds and a weapon to fend off the evil clutches of boredom. From monster attacks to circus performances, Robbie's adventure will carry your child into an exciting world of fun and free-thinking. Plus, it just might get you a little quiet time to read a book of your own.

Remember making friendship bracelets with leftover embroidery thread? Or little forts out of the big boxes from your parents trip to the department store? Children are natural born upcyclers, letting their imagination transform everyday trash to personal treasures. It's like their own little form of alchemy. Trash to Treasure will provide the inspiration and guidance to help evolve those skills, creating more more intricate and more beautiful things from the odds and ends around your home. And hey, maybe they'll help you make a glasses pouch for that one uncle you forgot was in-town for the holidays.

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